Working in partnership is at the centre of what we do.
We work across England and Wales to help the CLT movement flourish by mainstreaming support for community ownership of affordable housing and land in public policy and market practice. We would like to see a CLT in every community that wants one.
Creating the policy and market environment. As the national network for CLTs, supporting individual members is clearly a major part of our work. But it is only one part. We want to create the policy and market environment nationally and locally to enable this vision to happen.
Working in partnership. We know we can’t do this alone. So we work in partnership with a range of stakeholders nationally and locally. Working with others is at the core of our ethos. Our approach is practical and solution-focused.
Part of a wider movement. The CLT movement is part of a wider community led housing movement, empowering communities to build the housing they need. Since 2018 we have worked through the Community Led Homes partnership to develop and ensure support for all kinds of community housing schemes at the local level.
There is a market opportunity to develop 278,000 community led homes - let's make them a reality.
Communities across England and Wales are looking for landowners, developers, housing associations and councils that share their values. If you are committed to high-quality development that is inclusive and sustainable; if you are interested in working in partnership with communities, rather than in opposition; then CLTs want to hear from you.
You can initiate projects and create new CLTs around them. We, and our network of enablers, have the knowledge and skills to integrate CLTs into developments of any scale, including creating community stewardship and ownership strategies for large sites and new settlements.
You can also partner with the national network on product development.
The Community Land Trust Network is also looking for help to develop new ways to make partnerships a success. We want to work with leading landowners, developers, housing associations and councils to write, together, our pattern book of partnership. To develop products that can be replicated at scale up and down the country.
We have established an industry growth programme to discover, define and develop these replicable products, and to then deliver them at scale. This work is delivered jointly with the UK Cohousing Network and the European CLT Network.
Community land trusts can only be successful with the support of a range of partners to help community groups to deliver on their vision. In turn, community land trusts can help others to achieve their objectives too. We are no different. Our work is made stronger by the partnerships we have with others – and vice versa.
We work closely with funders, policymakers, housing associations, legal professionals and others who share our vision. Together we can achieve so much more and help to grow the community land trust movement.
If you are looking for advice, information, support or a partner to further your work supporting community led housing please do contact us for further information on what we can offer.
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