We are the Community Land Trust Network.
We are the membership body for CLTs across England and Wales. Our mission is to mainstream the community ownership of affordable housing and land in public policy and market practice.
We would like to see a CLT in every community across the country that wants one, ensuring affordable homes and community owned assets which will remain in community hands forever.
Supporting individual CLTs. To make this happen we provide support and services to individual CLTs. We are the national membership body for CLTs in England and Wales, and we bring them together.
Working with others. We know we can’t make our vision happen on our own. So working with others is at the core of our ethos. We work with partners at a strategic and policy level, locally and nationally to create the right environment. On the ground, we offer services collaboratively with others to ensure CLTs have access to the support they need to succeed.
We are a Registered Charity in England and Wales (charity number 1156952).
Our team

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Our board

Claire White (Cwmpas)
View Bio

Our funding and income
We are funded through a mixture of earned income and funding for specific projects.
We are immensely grateful to our funders for their continued and previous support.
Current Funding:
Esmee Fairbairn Foundation – core funding from 2021-25
Farming for the Future – 2024-25
Laudes Foundation – 2024-25
Nationwide Foundation – core funding from 2020-25
United Utilities (Enabling Water Smart Communities) – 2023-25
We also wish to thank our corporate partners
Ecology Building Society
Anthony Collins Solicitors
Wrigleys Solicitors.
Other past funders include:
Carnegie UK Trust
Interreg NWE
M&G plc
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Oak Foundation
Power to Change
The Tudor Trust
Our corporate partners
Our corporate partners support us financially, but they are also key supporters of CLTs through the services they provide
Ecology Building Society
Ecology Building Society support the development of community led housing to provide affordable, sustainable accommodation in local communities. They offer bespoke mortgage facilities for CLTs and a package of mortgage discounts for buyers.
Anthony Collins Solicitors
Anthony Collins Solicitors are a specialist law firm, with over 25 years of experience in supporting community led housing groups. They are able to offer CLTs expert advice on a wide range of issues, including governance and incorporation, land acquisition, and funding and share issues. They also provide a free legal advice line for 15 minute enquiries to all members of the CLT Network.
Wrigleys Solicitors
Wrigleys Solicitors are one of the leading specialist law practices outside of London and have been advising on community led housing projects since the mid-1980s. They are nationally regarded in this sector. Their property and social economy teams bring to bear deep expertise relevant to CLTs. They also provide a free legal advice line for 15 minute enquiries to all members of the CLT Network.