2024 Community Land Trust Network AGM and awards ceremony

Event Date | 23 November 2024

Join us this Saturday 23rd November 2024 to celebrate the end of a successful year and to look ahead to the Network’s next steps. Our AGM will include official business, our sixth annual CLT Awards and opportunities to connect with fellow members of the CLT Network.

This session will once again be taking place over Zoom. This decision is based on feedback and a desire to increase accessibility for more CLTs, creating a better inclusive and democratic movement.

10 – 10:30am | Welcome, review of the year and AGM

An overview of the Community Land Trust Network’s progress in 23/24 and member voting on a range of matters.

10.30 – 10.55am | CLT Awards

Our chance to celebrate the many CLT successes of the previous year and award a special handful of prestigious wooden geese! Each year we celebrate the fantastic achievements of CLTs across England and Wales, with a special few being awarded a prestigious goose!

Geese…? Our awards have been inspired by the well-known ‘V’ formation that geese fly in. The goose at the front takes the lead, while others follow in their slipstream to save energy. When the leading goose gets tired it drops back and another takes its place. In this way, every goose is a leader at some point in their long, arduous migrations. CLTs do the same!

Remember to nominate some CLT heroes by Wednesday 23rd October at 11:59pm.  Find out more about the CLT Awards here – many awards are open to CLTs or individuals no matter where your CLT is in its journey so get nominating today!

10.55am – 11:00am | Comfort break

11:00am – 11:05am | Looking Ahead

CLT Network CEO Tom Chance will give an update about what is coming up in the year ahead for the CLT Network.

11.05 – 11.55am | Peer Learning Workshops

We’ve heard from a lot of our members that you want more opportunities to connect with other CLTs to unlock and share the wealth of wisdom and experience in the CLT movement. In this workshop attendees can choose to join a small group session to hear from a CLT about a pertinent CLT topic and explore challenges and solutions as a peer network. Topics on offer include:

  • Partnering with developers on large scale developments | Kennett CLT
  • Building successful partnerships | Leeds Community Homes
  • Creating inclusive community engagement | WeCanMake

11.55 – 12.00pm | Closing statements

We are grateful for consistent support from our corporate partners: Anthony Collins SolicitorsEcology Building Society, and Wrigleys Solicitors

Event Details: