Member webinar | Influencing your Local Plan and Supplementary Planning Documents

Event Date | 19 March 2026

A local plan is a document that outlines how an area will develop in the future. It’s the main guide for deciding planning applications and can include policies that support community-led projects, like affordable housing and community places.

We will explore:

  • What is a local plan and how can it help a CLT in light of NPPF updates?
  • What steps can you take to influence these?
  • How you can influence a local plan with Supplementary Planning Documents.

Who’s this session for? All CLT Network members, no matter what stage of development your project is in or if you are stewarding land, energy systems, homes or community assets.

Accessibility We will provide closed captions automatically generated by Zoom.

We will soon make registration materials available. Please email [email protected] with any questions.

Image: St Ives CLT

Please note that all members who register will receive the Zoom joining details the day before the event. If you are not currently a member, see our member benefits here.

Event Details: