Understanding and responding to proposed CBS reforms

Event Date | 19 November 2024

Image reads: Member webinar - Understanding Proposed CBS Legal Reforms Tuesday 19th Nov 12-1pm. Includes Logos for Anthony Collins Solicitors, Wrigleys Solicitors and the Community Land Trust Network

The Law Commission has released a set of proposed reforms to the laws and regulations that govern cooperative and community benefit societies (CBSs) – many of these laws have been unchanged for over 100 years!

With a consultation currently open for their proposals until 10th December 2024, we are inviting you to a session that will explain the proposed changes that could impact charitable and non-charitable CBSs. We will also invite you to feed in your thoughts, concerns and ideas. This free CLT Network member session will be designed and delivered with our corporate partners, Anthony Collins Solicitors and Wrigleys Solicitors, who are generously offering their legal expertise.

Although there are some possibly welcome reforms, there is a risk that:

  • You might no longer be able to stop disruptors joining your CLT, or expel them

  • Charitable CLTs may have to register with, and be regulated by, the Charity Commission

  • Paperwork may increase for secretaries

So feeding into the consultation will be very important to try to get the right terms to support existing and future CBSs.

You can expect:

  • To hear the background to these proposed reforms

  • To learn the impact that these could have on CLTs that are charitable or non-charitable CBSs

  • The chance to feed in your opinions, ideas and concerns to shape the terms we ask for in our consultation response

  • To debate if we need a separate body to regulate community ownership organisations

We will make a CLT specific briefing available before the session to help give some context before the session, but in the meantime please find an article from Anthony Collins Solicitors here about what these reforms could mean for CBSs in the housing sector more broadly.

We hope you’ll join us!

Event Details: