Home K News and Events K AGM 2022

Let’s get together!

The definition of a network is: any interconnected group of people or things
capable of sharing meaningful information with one another.


While we had planned to meet in-person, the recently announced train strike means we will now host our Annual General Meeting and awards ceremony online. We hope you can join us! 

Event programme

The day includes the much-loved CLT Awards and two stimulating and inspiring workshops that will explore how we can build a more sustainable and inclusive movement.

Key documents

Our formal AGM notice, including tips on proxy voting & Zoom
Our draft Annual Report and Accounts for 2021-22 for your review
The biographies of Trustees standing for election

11 - 11.30am | Welcome, review of the year and AGM

An overview of the Community Land Trust Network’s progress in 21/22 and member voting on a range of matters.

11.30 - 11.55am | CLTN Awards

Get ready to Honk! Our chance to celebrate the many CLT successes of the previous year and award a special handful of prestigious geese! 

11.55am - 12pm | Comfort break

12 - 1pm | Building a mainstream movement

CLTN CEO, Tom Chance, will lead a discussion on our national strategy and building a mainstream movement. This session will include break out groups and a large plenary discussion.

1 - 1.30pm | Lunch

1.30 - 2.30pm | Workshop One: "How do we make CLTs more sustainable?"

Workshop one: “How do we make CLTs more sustainable”

We know CLTs care about this. We commissioned research last year that showed they aim for, and tend to achieve, high levels of energy efficiency. But there are many other aspects of sustainability that they could consider, either around sustainable lifestyles in housing projects, or taking on totally different projects like farmland or energy.

  • How could CLTs incorporate sustainability into existing projects, and how can they overcome the challenges?
  • What other projects could CLTs pursue, particularly those with completed homes?

The speakers will be:

  • Eddy Morton, Stourbridge CLT – providing shared workspace for increased home working, and an electric bike scheme
  • Joaquin de Santos, CLT Brussels – as well as building net zero homes with green roofs, community gardens and other public spaces for environmental and social benefits, CLTB is also exploring local energy cooperatives
  • Rebecca Seignior, Larkrise Cohousing CLT – supporting sustainable lifestyles in the wider community, beyond the ‘red line’ of the project

    2.30 - 2.45pm | Break

    2.45 - 3.45pm | Workshop Two: "How do we make CLTs more inclusive?”

    Workshop two: “How do we make CLTs more inclusive”

    We commissioned research, led by CLT volunteers, last year to study how much CLTs care about, and achieve, inclusion and diversity in their membership, and their board. We found some CLTs don’t really see this as a focus, while some others struggle to find the time or tactics to make headway alongside their complicated, difficult projects.

    • Why might we put an emphasis on recruiting and giving an active role to a diverse and inclusive membership?
    • How can we overcome the challenges of doing this alongside all the other challenges we face?

    The speakers will be:

    • Aya Rehman, Forest CLT – the methodology and key findings from the peer research project on inclusion and diversity in CLTs
    • Claude Hendrickson, Leeds Community Homes – the questions he’ll be exploring in a new research project into BAME-led community led housing
    • Darren French, Hastings CLT – his experience of the ‘Bottom Up Development’ process including excluded voices such as his own in the CLT
    • Val Holden, Homes for Ulverston CLT – the role of community organising to build inclusive memberships in a more rural/small town context

    3.45 - 3.55pm | Closing statements

    Register for our online gathering

    Click Here to register, even if you were already registered for the in-person event.

    Nominations have now closed!

    Some awards are for CLTs and others are for individuals or for schemes. You can nominate anyone and any CLT, including your own CLT and yourself too. Make as many nominations in as many different categories as you want. You just need to click the link and complete a separate form for each nomination and tell us in less than 200 words why you are nominating. And for ‘Beautiful Homes’ send us a picture.

    The winners will be announced at the Community Land Trust Network AGM on Saturday 26 November 2022.

    Can't stop, won't stop

    This award is about individual achievement. Do you know someone whose passion is a driving force for their community land trust? This could be an unsung hero, going the extra mile for their group, behind the scenes doing the vital invisible work.  Or someone putting themselves out there, rallying everyone, getting people in the room – and their determination to bring about real change is infectious.

    Volunteers are the backbone of community land trusts, so this is one award that could go to many, but we only have one. Whose efforts would you like to be recognised?

    Nomination: name of person plus no more than 200 words explaining why this person deserves the award

    Beautiful Community Led Homes

    When communities are in charge of designing and building homes the likelihood of homes being just right for that place grows immensely. In the last couple of years we’ve seen many CLTs topping out. Which CLT would you like to nominate for beautifully designed and built homes that fit into their place? Homes must have been completed in the last 3 years in this category.

    Nomination: name of CLT scheme plus photo and no more than 200 words explaining why this scheme deserves the award

    All about community

    This award celebrates how CLTs involve, engage with, and are deeply rooted in their community. People power is at the heart of the CLT movement and a CLT that is deeply rooted in their local community is a CLT worth recognising for their efforts. Have you been impressed by a CLT’s community organising and engagement? Nominate them! 

    Nomination: name of CLT plus no more than 200 words explaining why this CLT deserves the award

    What a wonderful world

    This award celebrates a CLT that recognises the importance of sustainability especially at a time of such drastic climate breakdown. Have you come across a group or scheme that has impressed you with its consciousness design and application? Are there any CLTs that are inspirations to others in their eco conscious measures? Please do nominate a CLT that has embedded environmentally friendly measures in their project.

    Nomination: name of CLT plus no more than 200 words explaining why this CLT deserves the award

    Register for our online gathering

    Click Here to register, even if you were already registered for the in-person event.