The government is consulting on changes to national planning policy and we’re suggesting some changes to help CLTs access sites

The government is consulting on changes to national planning policy and we’re suggesting some changes to help CLTs access sites
Announcing the CLT Network’s research partnership with Shared Assets to explore the role and opportunities for English and Welsh CLTs stewarding land for nature, farming and communities.
With the ongoing cost-of-living crisis more people than ever are in need of genuinely affordable...
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, writes with Owen Jarvis from the UK Cohousing Network about our...
We know how important a supportive council can be for the success of your Community Land Trust’s...
CLTN partnering in Enabling Water Smart Communities Programme Enabling Water Smart Communities...
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, summarises our various lobbying activities and where the community land trust movement stands amid this shifting political climate.
We have urged the government to fully exempt CLTs from leasehold enfranchisement in future legislation.
The Community Land Trust Network held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) online on Saturday, 20...
From the 14th to the 16th of October, more than 30 representatives from the Community Led Homes...
This blog was authored by our Campaigns and Business Development Manager (Job Share) Peg...
We were sad to hear that Tony Crofts, a pioneer of the English CLT movement, passed away in Bristol on 3 February 2021. Tony played a key role in setting up the first Community Land Trust in England in 1983, a full 27 years before the National CLT Network was founded.
After 10 years leading the National CLT Network, Catherine Harrington will be stepping down as Chief Executive at the beginning of March.