Our chief executive, Tom, introduces a new report which draws on lessons learned from 5 case...

Our chief executive, Tom, introduces a new report which draws on lessons learned from 5 case...
Our chief executive, Tom, shares an update on the government's recently published Devolution White...
Featured image: Bristol CLT On 12th December 2024 the government published the revised National...
The government is consulting on changes to national planning policy and we’re suggesting some changes to help CLTs access sites
Announcing the CLT Network’s research partnership with Shared Assets to explore the role and opportunities for English and Welsh CLTs stewarding land for nature, farming and communities.
As World CLT Day approaches, CLT Network Project Manager, Nichola Morris, shares more about the...
Our CEO, Tom Chance, writes on the potential of Community Land Trusts to help build much more...
Announcing the CLT Network’s research partnership with Shared Assets to explore the role and opportunities for English and Welsh CLTs stewarding land for nature, farming and communities.
Our chief executive, Tom, shares an update on the planning policy and leasehold reform in England...
Our chief executive, Tom, reflects in this essay on why we should rethink the role of the...
Our chief executive, Tom, spent a few days in Cornwall, speaking at a conference and meeting some...
With the ongoing cost-of-living crisis more people than ever are in need of genuinely affordable...
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, recently attended the International Social Housing Festival in...
CLTN partnering in Enabling Water Smart Communities Programme Enabling Water Smart Communities...
Our CEO writes about a recent study tour around the USA, and his reflections on what we can learn in the UK about collective leadership and building community capacity for regeneration,
Building a more inclusive CLT movement Last year, we commissioned The Institute of Community...
What could be a better example than a neighbourhood taking control, then being in charge of its...
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, reviews recent academic research into Power to Change's Homes in...
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, responds to a new report on community asset ownership by a Welsh...
The Chair of our board of trustees, Steve Hoey, reflects on his visit to Brussels for a meeting exploring the future of a Europe-wide community land trust network.
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, writes about Local Trust's recent conference on the evidence base...
Chief Executive Tom Chance writes about some new research looking at what CLTs are, and what they...
The Community Land Trust Network has brought together a group of nine CLT ambassadors from CLT...
We have submitted our response to the government’s consultation on he introduction of tenant satisfaction measures, which sets out plans to further regulate Registered Providers (RPs) of Social Housing via the Regulator for Social Housing.
The Community Land Trust Network has brought together a group of eight CLT peer researchers to...
I can’t pretend to have read all 332 pages of the Levelling Up White Paper in an afternoon. Nor do...
Our Chief Executive, Tom Chance, responds to a new report from Placeshapers about housing...
Our Chief Executive, Tom Chance, takes a look at new academic research, commissioned by the...
During COP26 we are publishing a new study that finds Community Land Trusts and other community...
Our Chief Executive, Tom Chance, reflects on new research from the Nationwide Foundation....
In this blog, our Chief Executive Tom Chance reflects on an afternoon at the Bristol Housing...
What would it take to level up communities that are left behind? That question will be at the top...
“If the purpose of housing was understood as building homes and communities, not merely building accommodation with bricks and mortar, the whole nature of the industry would be changed.” What would that look like?
Blog authored by Dr Tom Archer, independent research consultant and a research fellow at Sheffield Hallam University on the future pipeline of community led housing.
Rosie McBride (Research Officer) and Tom Chance (joint Chief Executive) write about our new State of the Sector report, and what it tells us about the community led housing sector in ‘left behind’ parts of England.
New comprehensive analysis of CLTs published by the National CLT Network shows the growing impact of the movement and the scale of the market opportunities opening.
New research setting out community led housing’s high value for money delivery boosts the case for the Community Housing Fund to be renewed.
The case for the Community Housing Fund to be extended has been strengthened as a new report commissioned by a consortium of charities reveals a potential pipeline of over 23,000 affordable community led homes.
Our co-chief executive, Tom Chance, explores what community means in the context of the CLT movement.
Creating a strong and effective community land trust is a journey. And key to a CLT’s long-term success is a robust and diverse membership.
Dan Barron, a community organiser at PEACH, tells the story of how PEACE formed and how it’s building community power.
Guest blog from Charli Bristow, Research and Projects Manager at Future of London, talks municipalism after having chaired the SHICC conference’s closing plenary, on the topic.
Research undertaken by the National Community Land Trust Network has revealed that a third of local authorities in England are now supporting community led housing development.