Our CEO, Tom Chance, shares the CLT Network’s new manifesto, calling on our next government to rewire the system to make community led development and land stewardship mainstream.

Image of London CLT’s opening of their Citizen’s House housing project
Today we are publishing the 2024 Community Land Trusts Manifesto, calling for community ownership and agency to be wired in the systems for land and development.
Our ten policy proposals would ensure communities can be part of at least 5% of development by the end of the next Parliament.
This can’t happen by continuing to treat community led development as a niche, with small, bespoke and siloed policies and funds.
It can happen if we wire community ownership and agency into the mainstream policy levers – the planning system, funding for housing and regeneration, and legislation on leasehold.
It won’t happen if we expect communities to initiate every project and bear the burden of working against the grain, isolated from the capabilities of local government and industry.
It will happen if we develop more regional and national enablers that can work with communities, doing the heavy lifting and creating the partnerships with the public and private sectors to deliver the community’s vision into their hands.
Our manifesto sets out the vision and policies to make this a reality. It is grounded in over 15 years of practice and research, among a network of 350 CLTs with over 2,000 assets, and in collaborations with sister organisations like the UK Cohousing Network and the Confederation of Co-operative Housing.
We officially launched the manifesto at an online event where our CEO, Tom Chance, introduced the manifesto followed by a panel discussion chaired by Vicky Spratt (Housing Correspondent for iNews). The four panellists, Kane Emerson (YIMBY Alliance), Nicholas Boys Smith (Office for Place, Create Streets founder and CLT Network Board Member), Rose Grayston (Housing policy expert), and Mark Gregory (Chair of the Community Ownership Commission) brought to life the potential of this manifesto, as well as the knotty detail that governments need to unpick for this to break out into common practice.
Watch the manifesto launch session back.
At the CLT Network, we want to keep working with anyone who shares our vision, and supports our strategy to make this commonplace.