Get cheesy – we need your photos and videos

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This blog was authored by our Campaigns and Business Development Manager (Job Share) Peg Alexander.


We all know a picture is worth a thousand words. And we need your pictures and videos to keep the stories of the CLT movement alive. 

We’re not there when the amazing moments happen, but you are. It could be the first time you go onto a potential site, the moment someone realises they may be able to get an affordable home. The meetings where you decide your allocations or when you celebrate major milestones. Residents looking happy because they get to live in your homes. But these are the kind of photos and videos that can be really powerful. And the kind of photos we really need to promote CLTs at a national level.

 So we would like you all to keep snapping and scrolling and to send them to us! 

It’s great to get group photos when a scheme is finished or officially opened. But we also really want photos and videos along the way. The small things that may not initially seem like a good photo or video opportunities, but are actually what we need to tell the story.

This list isn’t comprehensive but it gives you an idea:

  • Holding meetings or discussions. Maybe one or two people in animated conversation. Or people in groups doing tasks with things like post-it notes to make decisions. Or looking at drawings and architect plans.
  • Visiting sites or potential sites – people looking at areas that could be site. Opening gates or inspecting sites.
  • Planning – groups of people working on planning applications. Any meetings or discussions with planning officers or councillors, especially if you are lobbying. Holding up or looking at computer screens, phones, tablets or newspapers of any press coverage.
  • During the build stage – walking around a building site, talking to contractors, the equipment, visits of the group next to equipment, looking at site plans against the landscape etc.
  • And of course when finished. People near their homes. Ordinary living.

We really want photos of people to show different ages, different communities, diverse communities.

Ideally, pictures would be both portrait and landscape (video should be landscape) and in as high resolution as possible. But even if just taken on your phone please send to us. 

See below for the types of photos documenting key points in the process of community led housing. This is the kind of thing we’re after!

Send your pictures and videos to [email protected].
So remember – if in doubt take that photo or video and record your journey. Not just the final outcome.