Our draft response to the 2024 English planning consultation

Home K Policy and Campaigning K Our draft response to the 2024 English planning consultation

Feature image: St Ives CLT

We are publishing our draft response to the Government’s NPPF consultation, and calling on our members to respond.

We have long campaigned for more supportive planning policy for CLTs.

We welcome recognition of community-led development and the introduction of Community Led Development Sites in the National Planning Policy Framework revision in December. In our response to the consultation we are make the following proposals to increase the number of additional homes delivered by the community-led housing sector. Paragraph references refer to the draft new text.

We are now publishing our draft response to help our members submit their own responses in advance of the deadline on 24th September at 11:45pm.

Please note that we may update the online digital version before the submission deadline. This will be reflected in the live link on the above right. 

This is a big opportunity for the CLT movement. Our proposals could have a significant impact for CLTs of all stripes that are working on developing property as the NPPF will embolden councils to adopt supportive local policies. Our proposals would help get land into your hands and could make RP status requirements easier for CLTs.

We will also be looking at how the proposals we are making for the English planning system in a current consultation could be applied in Wales to create a truly enabling environment for community led development.

So what are you waiting for? Get stuck in!