From creating relationships with local authorities and stakeholders to getting your projects...
Programme update: Enabling Water Smart Communities
CLTN partnering in Enabling Water Smart Communities Programme Enabling Water Smart Communities...
USA: the good, the bad and the beautiful
Our CEO writes about a recent study tour around the USA, and his reflections on what we can learn in the UK about collective leadership and building community capacity for regeneration,
Building a more inclusive CLT movement
Building a more inclusive CLT movement Last year, we commissioned The Institute of Community...
Webinar: Managing CLT homes by qualified housing managers
Managing a strong and professional tenant-landlord relationship is key to the success of CLTs with...
New research shows potential for 278,000 more community led homes
What could be a better example than a neighbourhood taking control, then being in charge of its...
New research on Homes in Community Hands
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, reviews recent academic research into Power to Change's Homes in...
Member briefing: March Policy Update
Hear from our CEO Tom Chance about updates on our policy work advocating for CLTs. You can expect...
CLTN response to the English planning consultation
We have responded to Government’s NPPF consultation on changes to the English planning system. We...
Member webinar: Allocations
We welcome our members to our third installment on CLTs allocations. Attendees will hear from John...
Our draft response to the English planning consultation
We are publishing our draft response to the Government's NPPF consultation, and calling on our...
Housing Minister Lucy Frazer MP meets with CLT Network & partners
The Rt Hon Lucy Frazer MP, Minister of State for Housing, met online earlier today (19 December...
Member webinar: Your CLT as part of a global movement
Join us for this member webinar, where you’ll hear from speakers on the past, present, and future of the CLT movement around the world.
Celebrating 20 years of Venturesome with a renewed commitment to community led housing
This guest blog post was authored by Anne-Helene Sinha and Nayantara Nath of the Venturesome team...
Why are there so few CLTs in Wales?
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, responds to a new report on community asset ownership by a Welsh...
The Liverpool Region hub on the importance of local political support
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, summarises our various lobbying activities and where the community land trust movement stands amid this shifting political climate.
Where we stand in the shifting political sands
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, summarises our various lobbying activities and where the community land trust movement stands amid this shifting political climate.
CLTs must be exempt from the Right to Buy
We have urged the government to fully exempt CLTs from leasehold enfranchisement in future legislation.
Community Housing Fund still on the table
The Community Housing Fund is still on the table. Here’s a quick explanation of the current position, how we got here, and what we can all do to get the fund reopened.
Our Chair visits Brussels to explore a European CLT Network
The Chair of our board of trustees, Steve Hoey, reflects on his visit to Brussels for a meeting exploring the future of a Europe-wide community land trust network.
Levelling up the basics
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, writes about Local Trust's recent conference on the evidence base...
Strong council support for community led housing (2022 FOI)
New research carried out by the Community Land Trust Network reveals the strong levels of local...
So, what exactly are CLTs…… A new form of commoning?
Chief Executive Tom Chance writes about some new research looking at what CLTs are, and what they...
CLH groups to deliver 1200 additional homes thanks to £4mil CHF
The Community Housing Fund Revenue Programme 2021/22 has awarded 52 grants to community organisations across England who are planning to deliver over 1,200 additional affordable homes. More than half of the bids were from community land trusts (CLTs), which remain the largest driver of growth in the community led housing sector.
Meet our CLT Ambassadors
The Community Land Trust Network has brought together a group of nine CLT ambassadors from CLT...
Resident Management at London CLT: Lessons Learnt
This guest blog was authored by Hannah Emery-Wright, Communities Manager with London CLT, and Claudia Firth, freelance Community Management Consultant and resident of a London co-op. It covers what a Resident Management Company (RMC) is, how London CLT set one up and the lessons learnt along the way.
Response to proposed tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs)
We have submitted our response to the government’s consultation on he introduction of tenant satisfaction measures, which sets out plans to further regulate Registered Providers (RPs) of Social Housing via the Regulator for Social Housing.
Meet our CLT Peer Researchers
The Community Land Trust Network has brought together a group of eight CLT peer researchers to...
What does Levelling Up mean for CLTs
I can’t pretend to have read all 332 pages of the Levelling Up White Paper in an afternoon. Nor do...
Partnerships in place
Our Chief Executive, Tom Chance, responds to a new report from Placeshapers about housing...
Announcing our new trustees
The Community Land Trust Network held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) online on Saturday, 20...
Tackling loneliness by design
Our Chief Executive, Tom Chance, takes a look at new academic research, commissioned by the...
Communities leading to Net Zero
During COP26 we are publishing a new study that finds Community Land Trusts and other community...
The Community Led Homes hubs hit Liverpool
From the 14th to the 16th of October, more than 30 representatives from the Community Led Homes...
Get cheesy – we need your photos and videos
This blog was authored by our Campaigns and Business Development Manager (Job Share) Peg...
Are CLTs slow to build?
Our Chief Executive, Tom Chance, reflects on new research from the Nationwide Foundation....
Rewiring the West of England
In this blog, our Chief Executive Tom Chance reflects on an afternoon at the Bristol Housing...
Levelling up by our bootstraps
What would it take to level up communities that are left behind? That question will be at the top...
New research on delivering the CLH pipeline
We have published new independent research on delivering the pipeline of community led housing in...
CLTs meet the Secretary of State
On Monday the Community Land Trust Network, four of its member CLTs and the New Social Covenant...
“Fantastic news” as the Community Housing Fund is launched
A new £4m Community Housing Fund has been launched to increase community led affordable housing.
Housing as if community mattered
“If the purpose of housing was understood as building homes and communities, not merely building accommodation with bricks and mortar, the whole nature of the industry would be changed.” What would that look like?
The latest on government funding for recovery and regeneration
CLTs might have heard about a number of new funding streams linked to recovery and local regeneration recently announced by government.
Social value should be at the heart of the new ‘Right to Regenerate’
We have submitted our response to the government’s ‘Right to Regenerate’ consultation, which sets out plans to make it easier for communities to buy underused publicly owned land and derelict buildings.
Half of councils in England & Wales now supportive of community led housing
New research revealed that half of local authorities in England and Wales are supportive of community led housing development, up from 1 in 3 when we last carried out this research.
Tony Crofts, a pioneer of the English CLT movement, passes
We were sad to hear that Tony Crofts, a pioneer of the English CLT movement, passed away in Bristol on 3 February 2021. Tony played a key role in setting up the first Community Land Trust in England in 1983, a full 27 years before the National CLT Network was founded.
Catherine Harrington is stepping down
After 10 years leading the National CLT Network, Catherine Harrington will be stepping down as Chief Executive at the beginning of March.
Government announced £4 million for a Community Housing Fund
The government has announced that £4million in revenue funding has been allocated to a renewed Community Housing Fund for 2021/22.
Government launches ‘Right to Regenerate’ consultation
The Government is asking for feedback on its plans to make it easier for communities to buy underused land and derelict buildings for affordable housing and other community spaces. Read our draft response.
Creating lasting CLH legacies: the road to 2025 and beyond
Blog authored by Dr Tom Archer, independent research consultant and a research fellow at Sheffield Hallam University on the future pipeline of community led housing.